Reflecting on Traditional Publishing as a Self-Publisher…

I’m so glad I made the decision to self-publish. Before, I was searching the net, looking for what I felt was the “right” agent (which was very few and far in-between) only to find an email rejection, or nothing in return. I queried about 25 agents for “Forces and the Malachite Stone” and was still in the process of searching for Mr. or Mrs. Right, when I found out that author Jamie McGuire (I taught her niece, by the way; neat fact there) self-published her own novel. I had just read her book, “Red Hill,” and loved it. I watched an interview where she talked about her publishing process, and it just clicked. I knew then and there that what I needed to do. I was going to self-publish, something I’d been against for the most part.

Side note: I know that some people believe that those who self-publish only do so because they can’t get traditionally published. But this is short-sighted. There are *many reasons why it is more than difficult, if not impossible, at times, to get traditionally published. In fact, I’ll do a post on that soon so it’s out there – I’d love to debunk that myth.

Today, I was roaming on over at Holly Black’s website, when I stumbled on a post she shared about getting an agent; “Q: Do I need an agent and how do I get one?” The link I followed from there just solidified my decision in self-publishing; you can skim it here, Click Me. As I was reading about the previous questions and her answers, I was enjoying the content, but as I got to the sections about writing the perfect query letter, finding agents, on whether or not to send an SASE, as well as having a synopsis, getting a say in our covers (which we don’t), etc, I just realized how… grateful I am that I am self-publishing. I was like, “Wow, I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that anymore.” Plus, now days getting traditionally published is no more likely to make you a best seller than if you’re self-published. Either way, the marketing and promotion has heavily fallen on the author.

Do you have questions? Just ask. But, please keep negativity away. There’s just no need.

Also, here’s the cover for, “Red Hill,” by Jamie McGuire; a great, descriptive read with vivid imagery and suspense. I thoroughly enjoyed it. You can watch her interview here.


#selfpublishing #traditionalpublishing #authors #publishing

Published by E.L. Pierce

Author and daydreamer.

2 thoughts on “Reflecting on Traditional Publishing as a Self-Publisher…

  1. I think for writers, the element of complete creative control is one of the most attractive reasons to self publish. The whole agent thing, and jumping through hoops for traditional publishers is also another strong motivational force.

    The world has moved forward in the last decade or so, and that old standard of relying on a publisher will eventually die out, I think. Just like video stores are a dying breed due to on-demand services, I think the publishing world will also see rapid movement away from tradition… if it’s not already happening.


    1. I think the hardest part from that will be the advertising that the author has to take all upon themselves… because even a little help from publishers can do wonders.


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